Miami Tax Pros will once again begin to process tax returns for the upcoming season starting January 2024
We continue to process ITIN applications!

Los profesionales tributarios de Miami Tax Pros comenzarán nuevamente a procesar declaraciones de impuestos para la próxima temporada a partir de enero 2024.
¡Continuamos procesando solicitudes de ITIN!
Key filing season dates:
There are several important dates taxpayers should keep in mind for this year's filing season:
- January 23rd, 2024 - IRS begins tax season. Individual tax returns will begin being accepted and processing begins.
- January 30th, 2024 - Deadline for employers to distribute tax forms to employees.
- April 15,2024 - Deadline for filing your 2022 tax return.
- October 15, 2024 -Deadline to file for those requesting an extension on their 2022 tax returns
Now, more than ever, you need a reliable, fast, secure, contact-less way to receive your money!
- ELECTRONIC FILING- e-file allows taxpayers and tax preparers to file tax returns electronically through software programs or online. All of our Miami Tax Pros sites use free e-file to file your return electronically.
- DIRECT DEPOSIT- The best and fastest way to get your tax refund is to have it electronically deposited for free into your bank account.
- OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT- You can deposit your refund into one, two or even three accounts. Need help opening a bank account? Call 305-688-3551 and one of our financial coaches will help you open one.
- TRACK YOUR REFUND - The IRS issues more than nine out of ten refunds in less than 21 days. You can track your refund using the IRS Where’s My Refund? tool.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
The EITC is our nation’s most effective anti-poverty tool. It is a refundable tax credit available to low- and moderate-income households with members who work. As of December 2022, 31 million workers and families in the United States received about $64 billion in EITC. The average amount of EITC families received in Florida was $2,088. Refundable tax credits can help lower-income families build wealth.
Our taxpayers get their taxes done correctly the first time! Our volunteers are trained and certified in tax law, and our quality review process helps ensure error-free tax returns.

How We Do It
Miami Tax Pros trains and certifies over 300 volunteer tax preparers to help individuals and families receive expert tax preparation for free, and receive their maximum benefit and refund. Our Coalition is comprised of over 27 partners across Miami-Dade County including non-profit organizations, churches, libraries, colleges and universities, media partners and local government, that help over 12,000 families a year.
Miami Tax Pros is possible because of our incredible volunteers, who serve as tax preparers, tax reviewers, greeters, translators, and site coordinators. Support our work and join our Coalition!

Miami Tax Pros Miami Tax Pros Miami Tax Pros Miami Tax Pros Miami Tax Pros Miami Tax Pros Miami Tax Pros Miami Tax Pros Miami Tax Pros Miami Tax Pros
Contact Us:
11500 NW 12th Avenue Miami, FL 33168
Call us: (305) 688-3551 x2008
Email us: vita@branchesfl.org